Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Day 9: Still Keeping It Positive (in a Bipolar Sort of Way)

Productivity wise, this day would fare better a tad bit because I was able to do my exercise routines albeit not taking lunch beforehand. I had to stop it prematurely because I was feeling wobbly and inexplicably hungry (LOL at lack of appropriate adverb).

I actually looked for a new pair of shorts but it was unfortunate that I couldn’t find the exact piece I loved (and wore tirelessly) so I quit. I was only able to look for it in one mall so there’s hope still. But I’m keeping my options open. This could be a window in which I would discover a new fit that I would stick with the rest of my working out days. Lol. (My sentences are running so I must be hungry again.)

That pretty much sums my day up. It’s quite hard being unemployed and trying to write something of essence. I’m not bitter though. I’m sure my plans will come to fruition in due time. Meanwhile, I’ll just have to embrace my static status (as people unerringly suggest) because viewing it in another perspective, it’s actually a considerable luxury (if y’know what I mean).


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